Sunday, October 15, 2017

Why A Cape?

I'm going to try to update more often (usually during the weekends). Keyword: try. Let's hope I actually do it.

Anyway, last night was really fun! You can see on my Twitter thread here on what happened (wrong theater, having a general fun time, and a couple of pictures):
 Overall, my arms from last night and yesterday's workout are pretty much shot. If you've ever seen fanchants idol wota typically do, well, I only did most of it with them to the best of my abilities (and this is just a tutorial).

Because I live in a smaller city compared to LA or NYC, there wasn't much wota there but... I wonder how I can join. Maybe for the next idol craze...

However, because of the soreness, all I did today was walk on the treadmill. Here are some pictures under the cut for the stats. I also had a waistband that helped me sweat more (which is something I need help with anyway).

Notes: For 23 minutes, I was on speed 3.0 but I was getting tired really quickly so I went from a 3.0 to a 2.7 speed.
Notes: I didn't do any incline anyway. I'm tired enough as it is.
Notes: I was surprised I made it even a mile.
Notes: I'm disappointed but not surprised. All I was doing was walking anyway.
Notes: I honestly have no idea what it means (and I'll Google later) but here this is.
Notes: This is terrible, I know.
Notes: My cardio has always sucked so I'm surprised that's pretty low this time.
During the course of my treadmill walk, I was watching the first episode of Lost Universe, an anime I've always wanted to watch since I was a teenager. So yeah. Until next time.

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