Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The Autumn Wind Chases Me.

Usually I update on the weekend but Chu and I decided to run tonight. This week at work has been really hectic but it's that time where it'll get really busy all week until the weekend; and the next week will be completely dead until the next time.

He explained to me that he wanted me to take a rest on Thursday and then we'll run again on Friday. I suppose since we started to run, it might be a good idea. I originally wanted to run on Thursday and then push myself on Friday so I can work harder.

But his idea is just as good.

Tonight, we ran for a little bit - I can't really say how far I ran because the distance between lamp posts varies but in total, I ran to 19 lamp posts tonight! A week already and I'm already doing this much...

But I have a problem. I'm retaining water. I look a big ball but I did sweat a little bit when I ran. Hopefully when I run again on Friday, I won't be retaining water as much then.

However, I have to be careful and work diligently with my weight. It didn't used to hurt before but my left knee is starting to hurt from the runs. I know why that is - it's because I'm really heavy. I hope to relieve that soon... I'm sorry...

As expected though, my right heel hurts but with every run, it hurts less and less. I hope I get to a point where it doesn't hurt as much.

Until next time. Stay well and stay happy.

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