Thursday, October 26, 2017

Swollen Feet Makes Things Worse

Last week, I skipped my workout because Miss was especially heavy this month. It sucks. Plus my supplements came. Here's what it looks like:
For the most part, it's been helping my depression and my energy levels however I ran into a problem. You see, I'm allergic to iodine and unfortunately that meant my feet got swollen pretty bad. It's not so bad that I can't walk but it was very difficult to.

Chu went in for the dentist today to get his wisdom teeth removed and I had to go and buy groceries for him so he can eat. I didn't expect him to be done soon though...

So, after we came back and settled, I went for an intense walk on the treadmill for 40 minutes in 3 speed. Because Chu can't work out too much right now (he's going to be in recovery for a few weeks), he worries about me running out there by myself. The location we ran is by a canal by our place and I forgot to mention before - but we saw something skeevy that night and Chu didn't want me to go on my own. That's fair. I know he's just looking out for me and I don't want his stress level to get too high.

It was a bit hard to walk though even at that speed because my feet are swollen. I was worried that it got worse but thankfully it was just my mind.

In that case, while I walked, I watched H2O: Footprints in the Sand. It's an anime Chu wanted me to watch so I'm still struggling through it. Some of the tropes there are so tiring...

Anyway, the supplements are helping but I don't feel right about talk to my friends on Twitter. I feel that I drag them down with my depression and I really do want to get better. Because of my allergy to iodine, I usually take 2 a day with the supplements but I'll have to cut it down to once every other day.

I hope I can talk to my friends soon. I miss them and the depression and paranoia is trying to tell me ... they don't miss me at all. I know it's a lie. I know... I just need to find a good balance for these supplements. I've only been on them for a few days and I already feel so much better. I don't want this to be taken from me. I don't want to be back that way again...

Stay well. Stay happy.

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